Physical Models

Designed using OnShape - 11/27/2023

The assignment was to design our own original chess piece. I chose to take a citrus take on the typical bishop piece design and modeled it after a lemon slice. I taught my self the program OnShape to create the image that I had in my head. Then I 3D printed it using WKU’s on campus printers.

For this project, I was given the prompt of creating a physical model of a floor plan for a one story family home. The floor plan and dimensions were provided. It was made to a 1/4" = 1'-0" scale. I made the base out of mat board, created a stone facade with clay, added wood finishings and used sand paper for the roof. For the plot of land, I pulled inspiration of the typical suburban home. This assignment allowed me to be creative with in fixed requirements.

Mat Board Model - 9/20/2023

Designed in AutoCAD - 11/1/2023

I used AutoCAD to design this coaster that was to be laser cut. I was inspired by the phases of the moon and the sun. The sun takes up the center of the coaster, the main focal point. It is surrounded by the phases of the moon in order. I then scalloped the edges around the moon, keeping the outline of the circle to add to the negative space. I used both full cuts and partial to add dimension to the piece.

Laser Cut Engraving - 11/1/2023